Privacy Policy

Legal Notices and GDPR Privacy Policy


Christian Höller , Mariatroster Strasse 111/6 , 8043 Graz , Austria

VAT Nr.ATU74071336

Email :


All of the content—i.e. text, graphics, files, tables, images, and information—found within this site is protected in accordance with applicable law with regard to copyrights, patents, and intellectual property. Any products or companies mentioned on this site are the trademarks of their respective owners and may be protected by patents and/or copyrights deposited with or granted by the competent authorities. As such, said content may only be downloaded or used for personal, non-commercial purposes. Therefore, the content may not, in whole or in part, be copied, altered, or resold for a profit or for any other benefit.


In no case may Pander Enterprise be held liable for damages of any kind caused, directly or indirectly, by accessing the site, by the inability to access the site, or from your reliance on and use of the information contained therein. Pander Enterprise shall take steps to provide up-to-date information on the site, but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Pander Enterprise reserves the right to alter the content of the site and of these legal notices at any time and without notice.


Pander Enterprise assumes no responsibility with respect of any sites that may be accessed by way of links found within this site, which are provided solely as a service to online users. The fact that Pander Enterprise provides these links does not imply approval of the related sites, and Pander Enterprise assumes no responsibility for the quality, content, graphics of said sites. Therefore, the accuracy and completeness of the information found there are the responsibility of the owners of the sites accessed under the conditions said owners have established. Pander Enterprise offers no assurances as to any software found on this site or on external sites and cannot guarantee their quality, security, or compatibility with any other systems in use.



In accordance with the obligations of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, Regulation no. 679/2016) as amended, this site respects and safeguards the privacy of its users and visitors and makes every effort possible and appropriate to not infringe upon the rights of its users.

This privacy policy applies solely to the online activities of this site and applies to site visitors/users. It does not apply to any information that may be received by way of channels other that this web site.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to ensure the utmost transparency with regard to the information gathered on the site and how it is used.


This site processes data based on the consent provided. By viewing and making use of this site, visitors and users explicitly approve this privacy policy and consent to the processing of their personal information in relation to the methods and purposes described below, including any disclosure to third parties as necessary in order to provide a service.

Provision of the information and consent to its collection and processing is voluntary. Users may deny consent or revoke consent at any time (by email to However, failure to consent may result in the inability to provide certain services, which may compromise the experience of using the site.

By “processing” of personal data we mean any transaction or set of transactions conducted with or without the aid of electronic or otherwise automated means in relation to the collection, logging, organization, conservation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, viewing, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, disclosure, cancellation, and destruction of said data.

As of 25 May 2018 (the effective date of the GDPR), this site shall process certain data based on the legitimate interests of the data controller.


Like all web sites, this site makes use of log files to store information gathered automatically during a user’s visit to the site. The following information may be gathered in this way:

  • internet protocol (IP) address;
  • type of browser and parameters of the device used to connect to the site;
  • name of the internet service provider (ISP);
  • date and time of the visit;
  • referral web page and outbound page;
  • country of origin;
  • possibly the number of clicks.
  • This data is gathered for the following purposes:
  • solely in aggregate and anonymous form in order to verify the proper functioning of the site. None of this information is connected to the actual person/user of the site and cannot be used to make such an identification (as of 25 May 2018, this information is to be processed based on the legitimate interests of the data controller);
  • for the purposes of security (anti-spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), the data logged automatically may also include personal information such as the IP address, which may be used, in accordance with applicable law, to block attempts to harm the site, harm other users, or otherwise cause damage or commit a crime. This data is never used for user identification or profiling and is not cross-checked with other data or provided to third parties; it is used solely for the purpose of protecting the site and its users (as of 25 May 2018, this information is to be processed based on the legitimate interests of the data controller);
  • to provide data to third parties that provide functions that are necessary to service provision, such as the management of comments on the site, requests for information, site maintenance, accounting and administration, or managing requests for cost estimates by sending data to retailers or dealers in the area of the requester.
  • In the event the site allows for the posting of comments or the user requests specific services (by way of the “Contact Us” section), the site automatically gathers and logs certain data identifying the user, including the e-mail address and nickname. This information is understood to be provided voluntarily by the user upon provision of the service and is processed with the user’s consent. By posting a comment or other information, the user expressly accepts the privacy policy and, in particular, consents to the content posted being freely viewable by other visitors to the site.
  • The data received will be used solely for provision of the service requested and solely for the time necessary to provide the service.Information that users of the site decide to make public by way of the services and tools provided is provided by them voluntarily and consciously, thereby exempting the Site owner and the Data Controller from any and all liability with regard to any violations of the law. It is up to the users to ensure that they are authorized to disclose personal data of third parties or content that may be protected by national or international law.If comments are managed by way of an external service ,see the policies of that service for further informationData gathered by the site during its use is used solely for the purposes specified above and is stored for solely for the time needed to execute the activities specified. In any event, personal data gathered by the site will not be provided to third parties for any reason, unless there is a legitimate request by law enforcement and only in the cases required by law. However, data may be provided to third parties if necessary for the provision of a specific service requested by the User (e.g. sending a cost estimate to dealers, sending replies to inquiries, sending comments) or in order to conduct security checks or for site optimization.The methods of processing personal data provided by way of this web site include the use of manual, electronic, and screen-based mechanisms (including fax, phone, electronic mail, and other electronic and/or automated systems of communication) in a manner that ensures security as well as observance of the principles of fairness, legality, transparency, and confidentiality of the data. This personal information is processed by Pander Enterprise solely for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was gathered.The personal data provided by users who make purchases or request materials or information by way of this web site will be processed for the purpose of executing the request sent and for the provision of services or execution of agreements entered into and for which registration is required, as well as for all other purposes specified herein, and may be disclosed to third parties in the event it should be necessary for said purposes.Upon consent of the data subject, Pander Enterprise may process any personal data provided for commercial purposes and to carry out direct marketing efforts, such as sending informational materials and commercial communications, as well as to conduct market research.This data may be processed by personnel hired for the purpose by Pander Enterprise only in the event said processing is necessary to the completion of their duties and solely conducting the operations necessary to said duties. To this end, the data provided, or a portion thereof, may be disclosed to affiliated companies; individuals, professional firms, and other enterprises that provide consulting and support to Pander Enterprise in relation to accounting, administration, and legal, fiscal or financial affairs, parties allowed access to the data by law or by order of law enforcement; and parties responsible for the technical functioning of the web site.


    The data gathered by the site is processed at the offices of the Data Controller Pander Enterprise e.U. Inh.Christian Höller , Mariatroster Strasse 111/6 , 8043 Graz ,Austria , and at the data center of the web hosting provider.

  • In line with standard practice, this web site makes use of “cookies”, i.e. small text files that are used to store information related to visitor preferences, in order to improve the functioning of the site, to simplify navigation by automating procedures (e.g. logging in, interface language, etc.), and to analyze site usage.Session cookies are essential in order to distinguish between the connected users and are used to prevent a requested function from being provided to the incorrect user, as well as for security purposes in order to prevent cyber attacks on the site. Session cookies contain no personal data and last solely for the duration of the current session, i.e. until closing the browser. No consent is required for such cookies.Functionality cookies used by the site are strictly necessary in order to use the site and are connected with an explicit request for a function by the user (e.g. logging in). No consent is required.By using the site, continuing to navigate around the site, or clicking “OK” on the banner displayed when first accessing the site, visitors expressly consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies, and specifically to the storage of these cookies on the device being used for the purposes specified above and the access of information on the device by way of the cookies.
  • DISABLING COOKIESCookies are tied to the browser being used. They may be disabled directly within the browser, thereby refusing/revoking consent for the use of cookies. It is important to note that disabling cookies could prevent the proper use of certain functions of the site.Instructions for disabling cookies may be found on the following web pages:

    Mozilla Firefox –

    Microsoft Internet Explorer –

    Microsoft Edge –

    Google Chrome – 

    Opera –

    Apple Safari


    This site also acts as an intermediary for the cookies of third parties, which are used to provide additional services and functionality to visitors and to improve the use of the site, such as in the case of social-media buttons. This privacy policy does not apply to the services provided by third parties, and this site has no control over their cookies, which are managed entirely by the third parties themselves, nor does it have any access to the information gathered by way of these cookies. The data-provision agreement is directly between the user/visitor and the third parties, and this site is in no way involved in said provision. As a result, the policies concerning the use and purposes of these cookies, as well as the procedures for disabling them, are provided directly by the third parties on the pages specified below.

    Specifically, this site uses cookies from the following third parties:

    – Google (Google Analytics cookies): Google Analytics is a Google analysis tool that uses performance cookies to gather anonymous navigation data (truncated to the last octet) in order to analyze use of the site, compile reports on site activity, and provide other information, such as the number of visitors and the pages visited. Google may also transfer this data to third parties where allowed by law or in the event said third parties process this data on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate the IP address with any other data in Google’s possession. The data transmitted to Google is stored on Google’s servers in the United States.

    Further information on Google Analytics cookies may be found on the page Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites.

    Users may opt out of the collection of data by Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

    – Google (YouTube cookies). YouTube is a platform owned by Google for the sharing of videos and uses cookies to gather information on users and on the devices used.

    Most of the videos found on the site do not generate cookies when accessing the page as a result of setting “Privacy Enhanced Mode (no cookies)”, which ensures that YouTube does not store any information on visitors unless they voluntarily play the video.

    For more information on the use and processing of data by Google, we recommend reading Google’s policy here, as well as the page How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services.

    – Disqus. A comment hosting service for web sites that sets cookies for pages that include a comment box. Data gathered: number of users and their actions, IP address, browser used, identifier of the web site that includes the comment box, information connecting site visits with the user’s Google, Facebook, Twitter, or Disqus account if logged in. This cookie does not identify the User personally unless logged into Disqus in the event the user has logged in with a Disqus, Google, Facebook, or Twitter account. For more information on the use and processing of data, we recommend reading the Disqus privacy policy. Users may also selectively disable Disqus collection of personal data by visiting the opt-out page.

  • This site also includes social network plugins and buttons that simplify the sharing of content to your favorite social networks. These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies upon accessing the page, so as to protect user privacy. Cookies may be set, if required by the social network, only when the user actually and voluntarily uses the plugin. It is important to note that, if users visit the site while logged into a given social network, they have already consented to the use of cookies distributed by way of this site when signing up for that social network. Collection and use of the information obtained by way of the plugin is governed by the respective privacy policies of the various social networks. See the following:
    • Facebook(cookie policy)
    • Twitter(cookie policy)
    • LinkedIn(cookie policy)
    • Google+(cookie policy).
    • PayPal (cookie policy)
    • This site may share certain data collected with services located outside of the European Union, particularly with Google, Facebook and Microsoft (LinkedIn) by way of social plugins and Google Analytics. Said transfer is authorized in accordance with specific decisions of the European Union , specifically Commission Implementing Decision 2016/1250 (see also the Privacy Shield); therefore, no further consent is required. The companies mentioned above also ensure their participation in the Privacy Shield.
    • This site processes user data in a legal and proper manner and implements safety measures aimed at preventing the unauthorized disclosure, alteration, destruction of, or access to data. Processing is done with the aid of electronic and/or screen-based mechanisms and following organizational procedures and approaches that are strictly correlated to the purposes specified. Site management software is also constantly updated and scanned regularly to detect any viruses or dangerous code.In certain cases, in addition to the controller, certain categories of parties involved in site organization (e.g. personnel in administration, sales, marketing, or legal affairs, and system administrators) or external parties (such as technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, marketing agencies, and other IT firms) may have access to the data.                  
    • In accordance with European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016 ,Users may, based on the procedures and limitations defined by applicable laws and regulations, exercise the following rights:
    • to oppose, for just cause, the processing, in whole or in part, of personal data that concerns them for the purpose of sending marketing or direct-sales materials or for conducting market research or other commercial communications;
    • to request confirmation of the existence of personal data that concerns them (right to access);
    • to know the origin of the data;
    • to have the data communicated to them in intelligible form;
    • to receive information concerning the methods, procedures, and purposes of the processing;
    • to request updates, corrections, integrations, cancellations, anonymization, or blocking of illicit data processing, including processing that is not necessary for the purposes for which it was collected;
    • to receive, in the event of processing based on consent and at the cost solely of any medium used, their data provided to the controller in a structured form that is readable by data-processing systems and in a format that is commonly used by electronic devices;
    • to file a complaint with the competent authority and
    • generally, to exercise all rights granted by applicable law.christian Höller would also like to reiterate that failure to provide personal information that has been marked as mandatory would make it impossible to perform the agreement concerned, whereas failure to provide information that has not been marked as mandatory shall have no consequences in terms of executing the request.
    • Data subjects may exercise their rights and request information concerning the processing of personal data by sending a message to the e-mail address
    • In the event the data has been processed based on legitimate interests, the rights of the data subject (with the exception of the right to portability, which is not established by law), and particularly the right to oppose to processing, are still ensured and may be exercised by sending a request to the data controller.
    • The Data Controller and Data Processor as defined by applicable law is the site administrator:
    • The pro tem company representative of Pander Enterprise e.U. Inh.Christian Höller , Mariatroster Strasse 111/6 , 8043 Graz , Austria
    • EXTERNAL DATA PROCESSOR  Google is an appointed data processor on behalf of the controller (Google Analytics)
    • UPDATED This privacy policy was last updated on 12th September 2024